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How to add cross-references into hypertext systems
Once the text is split into an ASCII file according to idea units (see
SPLITTER), the next step is building a master list of cross-references
between each idea unit.
While PC-Hypertext uses two different hypertext systems of cross-linking
information, the MARKER program aids the building of both systems. For
example, the two linking systems in PC-Hypertext are <FILE0 LINKS>:
│ Network links -- paths to ASCII file, nodes, and networks │
│ Angle bracket links -- links in ASCII files to other files │
This raises two questions:
Why do we include two linking systems in our hypertext?
How do we manage the construction of the hypertext cross-links?
First, your decision branches in PC-Hypertext should lead the user
(regardless of previous understanding of the subject) to the desired
knowledge in a minimum of keystrokes <FILE56 BROWSING>. Because of the
various capabilities of the users, the network portion of PC-Hypertext provide
different paths to the same knowledge.
However, we disguise the network as a hierarchy by folding the alternate
paths to information into multiple hierarchies. For example:
New users browse by going through many levels of limited-choice
================ hierarchies rich in explanations for each branch in
order to reach their information.
Experienced users use shallow hierarchies with each level containing many
================= choices tied to a presumed understanding of the language
of the field.
As a result, each user reaches the same information, but in different ways.
That is the importance of the first-level hypertext network.
The second hypertext network is comprised of references or footnotes in each
ASCII file to other files containing complementary information. This is
the traditional view of hypertext links. Such links are important in
enlarging understanding, but they are not effective in helping you find
what you want to understand.
That's the reason why we include two networks: one for the browser/finder
process and one for the information dispensing process.
Having explained the two networks, here's how I use the MARKER program to
build the networks.
Description The MARKER program <FILE30 DESCRIPTION> rapidly marks
=========== important word(s) and phrases for reference in each file.
The commands are similar to those used to mark blocks of
text by a word processor.
Usage The Marker program lets users rapidly load each of the
===== files created by the SPLITTER program, then highlights
words or adds synonyms that might index ideas within each
Output The program writes a new file with each line containing
====== an index entry, the file name, and the file descriptor.
The output file includes a .REF added to the input
Once all the ASCII files created by the SPLITTER <FILE32 DESCRIPTION> have
been marked by the MARKER program, the SREF program assembles all these small
.REF files into a single alphabetical master-index file named REF.
Appearance Each line of the REF file contains the index word, the
========== filename, and a description. This listing quickly shows
common links between the ASCII files created by the
SPLITTER program.
Cross-linking For example, if the word "CD-ROM" had been marked in
============= five different ASCII files, this listing would show the
five filenames that contain a common idea. Use this
list to put the angle-bracket cross-jumps in each of the
ASCII files to the other related file.
Circular If in each of the five files, you enter the four other
hypertext file names (total of 20 cross-links), you've created
========= circular hypertext which I don't recommend.
Star hypertext If in each file you enter only the cross link to the
============== most important filename, and then in that file you include
links to the remaining files, you've created star
hypertext. I recommend star linking as it is much
faster to create and easier for users to browse.
Putting the angle-bracket cross-links into each file takes time. For
example, in converting 150 pages of text into hypertext, the time spent
might be:
│ OCR 150 pages 20 hours <FILE30> │
│ Spell check/proof 10 hours │
│ Split into 500 files 10 hours <FILE32> │
│ Mark 500 files 10 hours │
│ Create 1200 word index 10 hours │
│ Enter ASCII links 20 hours <GUIDE4> │
For entering the cross-links, I use a GALAXY, a $49 word processor that
loads and saves files with blinding speed and features excellent multi-file
windowing capability. It's so good, I've stopped using everything else.
The program is available from MaxThink for builders of hypertext systems.
Neil Larson 1/16/88 FILE33
44 Rincon Rd., Kensington, CA 94707
Copyright MaxThink 1988 -- Call 415-428-0104 for permission to reprint